
The War Battle: Starstruck's Uplifting Make-Trance-Not-War Mix

Look beyond the troubles of today and see hope in the horizon.

1. Vincent de Moor - Between 2 Fires (Armin Mix) (Intro cut)
2. Sarah McLachlan - World on Fire (Junkie XL Remix/GM Edit)
3. Signum - First Strike
4. GTR - Mistral (Original Mix)
5. Cass & Slide - Perception (New Vocal Mix)
6. Push - Strange World
7. Vincent de Moor - Between 2 Fires (Armin Mix) (Outro cut)

Time: 29.03, Size: 40,9 MB

To download, click here!


  1. Yea yea, using world on fire was kinda chicken, but it is anoyingly good too :P

  2. weel well well. Nice songs!
    But comparing your mix to mine is like comparing a game of Risk with the Western Front 1918. ;)

  3. yea, why did you mix a game of risk then?

  4. Because the Western Front 1918 was a boring stalemate with boths sides losing, while the game of Risk always has a winner. Which would be me. ;)

  5. well yea, too bad for you we are mixing music and not playing risk then, because you are just being beaten into oblivion again as we speak :o
